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What you might have missed this week…….
Exactly a month back, June 21st, was the International Yoga Day
There was a lot of celebration and engagement globally
People were doing yoga and posting pictures on social media…
All that is fine, I guess
But something very significant also occurs on June 21st, which many of you must have missed
June 21st is the summer summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere
This is the longest day ( most hours of daylight ) in the Northern Hemisphere and
shortest day ( least hours of daylight ) in the Southern Hemisphere
This is a part of Earth’s natural rotation on its axis and it’s exposure to the sun
On this day, the Earth’s North pole is pointing more directly towards the Sun and the Northern Hemisphere gets maximum sunlight, maximum energy from the sun
This might seem to be an irrelevant fact, but in many cultures, this is a significant time of the year, celebrated with festivals, rituals and mid-summer holidays
Infact, when I was sailing on ships, this knowledge Earth’s rotation and changing seasons was very important
As a ship sails and changes latitude, Earth’s rotation impacts day and night navigation and ship’s operations
Anyways, back to June 21st and the summer solstice..
There was so much focus on International Yoga day, that many of you must have missed this out
Infact, later on, I came to know that June 21st was also the International Music Day
This happens in life as well…
Sometimes, something significant is happening in our lives, but we completely miss it
It could be something small, but significant…
You are too busy, looking the other way around
You meet someone, you have an experience
You are too distracted by something else and you completely miss out
It’s right in front of you
But your focus is somewhere else
Rings a bell ?
Has it happened with you ?
So here’s my invitation to you
Take a pause
Take a few deep breaths
And reflect
What are you missing out on TODAY ?
Complete this sentence :
In my life, I am NOT paying attention to………..
And see what comes up for you
Would love to hear your thoughts and feedback, so do keep writing !
Till then
Stay safe and stay healthy
P.S. – If you are considering coaching for yourself or your team members, I would invite you to watch these 2 videos when you get a chance :
1) Demystifying common misconceptions about executive coaching -
2) 7 reasons why you DON'T need a coach -
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